Right on!

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Yes to all of this. Now is the time for more soulful expression.

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"I am creative and I write about what I want." 💕🔥🙌

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hahaha right?!

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Capitalism and all other oppressive isms constrain and diminish our imaginations. So it is critical that we engage in human-centred creative visioning if we want a more humane world. In this way, all of us are irreplaceable. There is no technology, no matter how "sufficiently advanced and indistinguishable from magic" that can save us from this task of inventing our future together ❤️

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I'm clapping so enthusiastically at this!

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Mmm yes. Possibility through the imaginal! Love that concept.

The AI conversation is making me think about the power of subculture. And how exciting it is to find your hyper-specific community. When corporations try to "talk to a specific niche" it's so embarrassing. They aren't part of the niche/subculture, so they don't get the language. I wonder how much of AI will echo that same tone deafness, and how much indie creators/producers of culture will position their value prop as being naturally conversant.

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Fascinating! Thanks for sharing!

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🌸 I am irreplaceable by AI because: AI cannot give me something I don't ask for - the need for a creative outlet in my soul does not come from me - I often wish I could be satisfied with just being, but no, it begs to be let out - AI cannot make me feel something I don't want to feel

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Oof "AI cannot give me something I don't ask for." Yessss.

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